
RPW Rebirth...Episode 4

Welcome back fiends. We are 1 week away from RPW's 1st PPV, Ascent, where we will be crowning our champions. However, tonight there is plenty of business to take care of. We will have the RPW Tag Challenge as Mark Briscoe faces Alex Shelley, and Jay Briscoe squares off with Chris Sabin. Also, The Embassy get their big break as they face RVD, CM Punk, and Nigel McGuinness. Finally, our Main Event will be Umaga and Paul Burchill v Tomko and Matt Hardy in another Ascent preview. Let's get to the action with some tag team excitement as Steenerico will face Austin Aries and Roderick Strong.
Steenerico v Aries/Strong
Winners: Steenerico via DQ when Edge runs in and spears El Generico out of his boots. Edge runs toward the locker room as Kevin Steen gives chase. As soon as Steen makes it through the curtain, he is brained with a chair by a masked man that allows Edge to get away. In the ring, Aries and Strong check on Generico, who sells the spear as though it may have broken his ribs.

Briscoes v MotorCity MachineGuns Singles Challenge
Jay Briscoe v Chris Sabin
Mark Briscoe v Alex Shelley
Winners: Jay Briscoe wins his fall via Jay Driller on Sabin. Shelley wins his fall via Air Raid Siren/Border City Stretch Combo on Mark. Both teams stand off without incident after the match.

Video Package--We begin with clips of Samoa Joe defeating Nigel and Cena with counters into the choke. We then see Joe training for the World Title Elimination match. He counters a Pedigree to an STF. He counters a spear into a guillotine choke. He counters a chokeslam into the Coquina Clutch. Joe then looks into the camera and states "No one can stop me. No one can beat me. I am Samoa Joe, the future RPW World Champion, and I am Professional Wrestling."

Kings of Wrestling w/Larry Sweeney v SST (Ki-Hernandez) w/Homicide
Winners: No Decision. The match is thrown out as Sweeney interferes, causing Homicide to enter the ring and all hell breaking loose. The two factions are separated by RPW Security, led by Head of Security, Ron Simmons.
Aftermath: Commissioner Stroia makes his way to the ring. He says that Sweet N Sour Inc are cowards, and the Strong Style Thugs are hotheads. He is tired of advertising for matches that don't give the fans their money's worth. So it will be Sweet N Sour Inc versus the SST in a NO DQ Tornado Tag at Ascent. Sweeney and the Inc are incensed.

Backstage--HHH and Ric Flair are being interviewed by Lenny Leonard. HHH states that he will prove that he is the best in the world, and he will be RPW's 1st World Champion. Flair interjects stating that he'll be there to make sure nothing goes wrong. HHH-"About that Ric, I think..." A pissed off Commissioner Stroia is walking through the back being followed by Larry Sweeney, who is trying to get the Inc out of the NO DQ match. He stops Sweeney and approaches Flair saying that anyone who interferes in the World Title match will be suspended for 60 days without pay. Commissioner Stroia walks off as Flair goes beserk with HHH smirking behind his back. Sweeney looks at Flair and states that he hates the Commish to which Flair agrees.

AJ Styles/Chris Daniels v Randy Orton/John Cena
Winners: Styles and Daniels via BME/Spiral Tap Combo on Orton. Cena doesn't attempt to make the save and never attempts to really help Orton in the match. He actually starts the match, but when he tags Orton in the 1st time, he never returns to the ring.

Student v Teacher
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v "HBK" Shawn Michaels
Winner: Danielson via Small Package in a 10 minute mini-classic. HBK has the advantage and goes to tune the band, when the lights go out as they did the previous week. When they come back up, a distracted HBK is put in the small package by AmDrag for the pinfall. Both men shake hands after the match as AmDrag assures HBK that he had nothing to do with the lights going out.

In-Ring--The Embassy of John Morrison, The Miz, and Jimmy Rave are led to the ring by Prince Nana who is holding 3 gift boxes. Lenny Leonard begins to interview when Nana snatches the mic. Nana says that he had these gifts flown in from Ghana for his Embassy. The guys open their boxes and are presented with title belts. Nana proclaims the Embassy as the Ghanese Trios Tag Champions. The Embassy parades around the ring with their belts. Nana states that today's 6-Man is non-title, of course.

The Embassy w/Prince Nana v RVD/CM Punk/Nigel McGuinness
Winners: The Embassy via Ghanarhea on RVD. Toward the end of the match, all six are brawling when Nigel takes Miz' head off with a Lariat only to be immediately caught with a superkick by Morrison. CM Punk and Rave are reprising their fued from ROH, when Punk sees RVD preparing to hit Miz with the 5*. Punk then pushes RVD from the top rope. Rave hits the Ghanarhea for the 3 count. After the match, Punk hits RVD with the Hammerlock DDT and grabs the mic. "Someone please tell this glory hogging piece of sh!t when he wakes up that I want him 1 on 1 at Ascent."

Locker Room--Commissioner Stroia enters the Embassy's locker room as they celebrate their big win. The Commish states that he will let the Embassy on the Ascent PPV, if Nana will let him buy the Ghanese Trios Titles from him and sanction them for RPW. Nana quickly agrees. They shake on it, and the Commish cuts a check right on the spot. The Commish opens the door to exit and whistles into the hall. RPW Security comes in to confiscate the belts. Nana asks what is going on. The Commish states that the titles are vacant, but the Embassy will have a chance to win them at Ascent. It will be the Embassy versus Styles, Daniels, and Dragon for the RPW Trios Titles at Ascent. The Embassy is stunned.

Tomko/Matt Hardy v Umaga/Paul Burchall
Winners: Umaga and Burchall after Big Boot on Hardy. All four men end up brawling. Tomko goes to boot Burchall, who ducks causing Tomko to nail Hardy. Burchall pins Hardy as Umaga Spikes Tomko. After the match, the heels continue the beatdown. Umaga hits the wrecking ball on Tomko as Burchall Curb Stomps Hardy into the middle turnbuckle. RPW Security is able to separate them and check on Tomko and Hardy.

As the ring is cleared, Edge enters from the crowd to address the fans and the RPW locker room. "Steen and Generico, let tonight be a lesson to you. No one embarrasses me. EVER! Especially a fat kid and his retarded, masked friend. As a matter of fact, let tonight be a lesson to everyone. No one will keep me from my destiny of being RPW World Champion. Not Joe. Not HHH. Not the Undertaker. I will walk through hell and shake hands with the devil himself to get it done." The lights go out and the Undertaker appears on the stage as we fade to black.

RPW's Ascent PPV Card
Pre-Show Starts at 700

Pre-Show Grudge Match
"Cowboy" James Storm v Brent Albright

Pre-Show Tag Challenge
Age of the Fall v Roderick Strong/Austin Aries

RPW Trios Championship
The Embassy w/Prince Nana v AJ Styles/Bryan Danielson/Chris Daniels

No DQ Tornado 6-Man
Sweet N Sour Inc v The Strong Style Thugs

RPW Rising Phoenix Championship Final
Matt Hardy v Paul Burchall

Grudge Match
Umaga v Tomko

Double Feature Match for #1 Contendership to RPW World Title
(First Fall is a tag match. The winners will face-off 1-on-1 immediately after.)
Randy Orton/John Cena v Shawn Michaels/Nigel McGuinness

RPW Tag Team Championship Finals
Briscoes v MotorCity MachineGuns

Grudge Match
Rob Van Dam v CM Punk

RPW World Championship Final--4 Way Elimination
Triple H v Samoa Joe v The Undertaker v Edge


RPW Rebirth...Episode 3

If you got the dough, we got your fix. Whatever you need homey.

This week, we have the 2nd round of the RPW World Title Tournament where we will be deciding the final 3 men to enter the 4-Way for RPW's Ascent PPV. Also, tonight we will find out who will face the MotorCity MachineGuns to crown the 1st RPW Tag Champs as the Briscoes will face Austin Aries and Roderick Strong. The Main Event this evening will be must-see as John Cena will face off with Samoa Joe for the 1st time since the made the big time!! Let's get to the action!!

We are told at the top of the show that Edge has been given a bye into the 4-Way Elimination Main Event for the 1st PPV--RPW's Ascent--that will crown the 1st RPW World Champion. He gets this bye due to the CM Punk/RVD draw from the previous week. Edge has sent word that he has some business to take care of to prepare for the World Title match and will not be in attendance tonight.

6-Man Warfare (Scramble)
AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels/Bryan Danielson v Age of the Fall/Davey Richards
Winners: AmDrag/Styles/Daniels via knee drop/spiral tap/BME on Black. Richards walks out on his teammates post-match.

Chris Hero w/ SnS Inc v Homicide w/ The SST
Winner: Homicide via countout. Claudio and Sweeney pull Hero out of the ring after Cide hits the Lariat on Hero. Sweet N Sour Inc accepts a countout loss to prevent the pinfall.

Promo Video--We hear the chorus of "A Change Gon' Come" by Sam Cooke. With the phrase "This revolution will be televised." going across the screen.

RPW World Title--Semifinals
"The Game" Triple H v "The One Man Dynasty" Randy Orton
Winner: Triple H via Pedigree. Before the match, HHH declines to have Ric Flair come to the ring with him. He states that he wants to win the gold on his own and leave no excuses for anyone. He wants to prove that he is the best wrestler in the world. Flair appears to be a little confused. H lets him know that he still needs his advice...but for now...from a distance.

Triple Threat Match
Rob Van Dam v Nigel McGuinness v CM Punk
Winner: Rob Van Dam via 5* Frog Splash on Nigel. Nigel went to Lariat RVD, who ducked causing Punk to get hit. RVD then hits a roundhouse kick, Finley Roll, and the 5* for the victory. Punk's frustration over not getting the win is written all over his face.

Backstage--Prince Nana and the Embassy (Jimmy Rave, The Miz, and John Morrison) barge into the office of Mr. Stroia. Nana is pissed that the Embassy hasn't been on the show since the first week, and John Morrison hasn't been on at all. Why wasn't he in the World Title Tournament? Mr. Stroia explains that the ECW Title wasn't a world title when Morrison held it. Morrison seems to be a little pissed at that statement...but it's true. Prince Nana asked for time on the show next week to do a presentation for The Embassy. The Embassy seems to be a little confused by that statement, but Nana says it is a suprise. Mr. Stroia grants the time and says that he feels bad for neglecting The Embassy. He says they will have a 6-Man Match next week against the combatants from the last match--Nigel, Punk, and RVD. The look on Nana's face is priceless. Dah Em-Bah-See Fah Eva, uh!!!

RPW World Title--Semifinals
The Undertaker v "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
Winner: Undertaker via Chokeslam. Michaels has the advantage in the waning moments and begins to tune up the band when the lights go out in the arena. When they come back on, Taker has recovered and quickly hits the chokeslam for the pinfall. Michaels is understandably pissed at the outcome.

RPW Tag Titles--Semifinals
Austin Aries/Roderick Strong v The Briscoes
Winners: Briscoes via Spike Jay Driller on Strong. MCMGs come out to scout the match. Challenge Briscoes to (2) 1-on-1 matches next week to preview the Tournament Final, which the Briscoes accept. MAN UP!!!

Brent Albright v "Cowboy" James Storm
Winner: Storm via DQ. Albright is able to pin Storm into a corner and proceeds to chokeout Storm in the ropes. Albright refuses to break which causes the DQ. Afterwards, Albright hits the half-nelson suplex on Storm. (JBL says that Brent is sending a message to the Cowboy and the roster. Joey counters by saying that a loss is a loss, and that Albright should concentrate on getting his 1st win.)

MAIN EVENT--RPW World Title Semifinals
Samoa Joe v "Dr. of Thuganomics" John Cena
Winner: Samoa Joe via Coquina Clutch Chokeout. Triple H joins JBL and Joey Styles on commentary. H puts over Joe's unique skillset--striking, power moves, submissions and speaks of his past tussles with Cena. Cena is able to get Joe up for the FU, but it is countered into the Coquina Clutch. And that's a damn wrap on Cena. After the match, there is a staredown between Joe and H, when the lights go out. Undertaker appears on the ramp as we go to the finishing montage of replays.

Tune in next week for The Embassy v Punk/Nigel/RVD, the MCMG-Briscoe challenge, and a hard-hitting Main Event of Tomko/Matt Hardy v Umaga/Burchall!

RPW Rebirth...Episode 2

Welcome to this weeks edition of RPW Rebirth!!! The new D-Boy on the block providing you the finest in wrestling fixes. We have another all-star 8-Man Main Event this week as The Age of the Fall of Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black will team with "The Dr. of Thuganomics" John Cena and "The Rated R Superstar" Edge to battle Kevin Steen, El Generico, and the reuniting Original Degenerates--"Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and Triple H. That one should be a lot of fun with DX and Steenerico comprising a very unique 4-man squad. Also, the 2nd round of the Rising Phoenix Championship and the 1st round of the RPW World Title Tournaments plus much, much more. Let's get kicked off with the RPW World Title as "The Phenomenal One" takes on "The One Man Dynasty."

JBL and Joey Styles announce that the 4 Finalists for the RPW World Title Tournament that will qualify in the next two weeks will meet in the Main Event of RPW's 1st PPV--RPW's Ascent--in a 4 Way Elimination match.

RPW World Title--1st Round
"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles v "The One Man Dynasty" Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton via the "Lightning Strike" RKO.

Claudio Castagnoli w/ Sweet n Sour Inc v Hernandez w/ The SST
Winner: Hernandez via DQ. Hernandez was able to get Claudio up for the Border Toss, but Hero and Sweeney jumped in to save him causing the DQ.

Rising Phoenix Championship Semifinal
Tomko v Paul Burchall
Winner: Burchall via Shenanigans. Back and forth contest throughout. Tomko had control when Umaga made his way to ringside. Burchall was able to see this and launches Tomko through the ropes. He then distracts the ref as Umaga hits the Spike on Tomko. Umaga then walks away. Burchall has to go outside and roll Tomko into the ring for the pinfall. The ref is a little confused but...eh, you can't call what you don't see.

RPW World Title--1st Round
Samoa Joe v Nigel McGuinness
Winner: Samoa Joe via Coquina Clutch Chokeout. Joe was able to counter a Lariat attempt by Nigel into the Coquina Clutch for the victory.

Brent Albright/James Storm v "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels/Davey Richards
Winners: Daniels and Richards via Angels Wings/BME combo on Storm. During a period when Storm is isolated from his corner, a frustrated Albright heads to the locker room and abandons his partner. Shortly thereafter, Daniels puts Storm away with the Fallen Angel Combo. Richards seems to be slightly peeved that he wasn't part of the finish, but both men celebrate without incident. (Joey Styles states that Richards should be happy with the victory, while JBL states that he understands Richards. Being involved in the finish looks good on the resume for future title shots.)

RPW World Title--1st Round
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v The Undertaker
Winner: The Undertaker via Last Ride. Danielson attempts to use a similar strategy on Taker as he did with Joe and Morishima. He tries to keep his distance and take out a limb. He eventually gets the triangle choke on UT, but Taker is able to power AmDrag up and into the Last Ride Powerbomb for the pinfall. Fans give ovation to both men for leaving it all in the ring.

Profile on the Rising Phoenix Championship--Explains the rules of the division. Champion can lose title via DQ, countout, ref stoppage, pinfall and submission. Champ also loses title, if he goes to time limit draw. Goes over the time limit and how you can't rest for too long. You must have focus and drive to thrive in this environment. Puts over how unique this stipulations are and that you must be a Fighting Champion.

Rising Phoenix Championship Semifinal
Matt Hardy v Umaga
Winner: Matt Hardy via rollup. Umaga is able to dominate early, but Tomko begins to make his way to the ring. Umaga sees him before he gets to ringside, but the damage is done. The distracted Umaga is rolled up and pinned by Matt Hardy. Matt gets out of dodge before Umaga can get retribution, while Tomko smirks from the aisle while holding his neck.

RPW World Title--1st Round
CM Punk v Rob Van Dam
Winner: Time Limit Draw (all tourney matches have 20 min. time limits). Time expires as RVD hits the 5* Frog Splash on Punk. Combatants share a reluctant handshake after the match.

Steenerico/D-Generation X w/Ric Flair v Age of the Fall/John Cena/Edge
Winners: Steenerico/DX via Package Piledriver-Superkick Assembly Line on Edge. Generico gets the pin. Triple H is brawling on outside with AOTF, when Steen hits Package Piledriver on Edge and assembly lines him to Michaels for the Sweet Chin Music. Michaels pushes Generico onto Edge for the pin. Cena doesn't attempt to make the save. Steenerico, DX, and Flair celebrate with the fans.