
RPW Rebirth...Episode 3

If you got the dough, we got your fix. Whatever you need homey.

This week, we have the 2nd round of the RPW World Title Tournament where we will be deciding the final 3 men to enter the 4-Way for RPW's Ascent PPV. Also, tonight we will find out who will face the MotorCity MachineGuns to crown the 1st RPW Tag Champs as the Briscoes will face Austin Aries and Roderick Strong. The Main Event this evening will be must-see as John Cena will face off with Samoa Joe for the 1st time since the made the big time!! Let's get to the action!!

We are told at the top of the show that Edge has been given a bye into the 4-Way Elimination Main Event for the 1st PPV--RPW's Ascent--that will crown the 1st RPW World Champion. He gets this bye due to the CM Punk/RVD draw from the previous week. Edge has sent word that he has some business to take care of to prepare for the World Title match and will not be in attendance tonight.

6-Man Warfare (Scramble)
AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels/Bryan Danielson v Age of the Fall/Davey Richards
Winners: AmDrag/Styles/Daniels via knee drop/spiral tap/BME on Black. Richards walks out on his teammates post-match.

Chris Hero w/ SnS Inc v Homicide w/ The SST
Winner: Homicide via countout. Claudio and Sweeney pull Hero out of the ring after Cide hits the Lariat on Hero. Sweet N Sour Inc accepts a countout loss to prevent the pinfall.

Promo Video--We hear the chorus of "A Change Gon' Come" by Sam Cooke. With the phrase "This revolution will be televised." going across the screen.

RPW World Title--Semifinals
"The Game" Triple H v "The One Man Dynasty" Randy Orton
Winner: Triple H via Pedigree. Before the match, HHH declines to have Ric Flair come to the ring with him. He states that he wants to win the gold on his own and leave no excuses for anyone. He wants to prove that he is the best wrestler in the world. Flair appears to be a little confused. H lets him know that he still needs his advice...but for now...from a distance.

Triple Threat Match
Rob Van Dam v Nigel McGuinness v CM Punk
Winner: Rob Van Dam via 5* Frog Splash on Nigel. Nigel went to Lariat RVD, who ducked causing Punk to get hit. RVD then hits a roundhouse kick, Finley Roll, and the 5* for the victory. Punk's frustration over not getting the win is written all over his face.

Backstage--Prince Nana and the Embassy (Jimmy Rave, The Miz, and John Morrison) barge into the office of Mr. Stroia. Nana is pissed that the Embassy hasn't been on the show since the first week, and John Morrison hasn't been on at all. Why wasn't he in the World Title Tournament? Mr. Stroia explains that the ECW Title wasn't a world title when Morrison held it. Morrison seems to be a little pissed at that statement...but it's true. Prince Nana asked for time on the show next week to do a presentation for The Embassy. The Embassy seems to be a little confused by that statement, but Nana says it is a suprise. Mr. Stroia grants the time and says that he feels bad for neglecting The Embassy. He says they will have a 6-Man Match next week against the combatants from the last match--Nigel, Punk, and RVD. The look on Nana's face is priceless. Dah Em-Bah-See Fah Eva, uh!!!

RPW World Title--Semifinals
The Undertaker v "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
Winner: Undertaker via Chokeslam. Michaels has the advantage in the waning moments and begins to tune up the band when the lights go out in the arena. When they come back on, Taker has recovered and quickly hits the chokeslam for the pinfall. Michaels is understandably pissed at the outcome.

RPW Tag Titles--Semifinals
Austin Aries/Roderick Strong v The Briscoes
Winners: Briscoes via Spike Jay Driller on Strong. MCMGs come out to scout the match. Challenge Briscoes to (2) 1-on-1 matches next week to preview the Tournament Final, which the Briscoes accept. MAN UP!!!

Brent Albright v "Cowboy" James Storm
Winner: Storm via DQ. Albright is able to pin Storm into a corner and proceeds to chokeout Storm in the ropes. Albright refuses to break which causes the DQ. Afterwards, Albright hits the half-nelson suplex on Storm. (JBL says that Brent is sending a message to the Cowboy and the roster. Joey counters by saying that a loss is a loss, and that Albright should concentrate on getting his 1st win.)

MAIN EVENT--RPW World Title Semifinals
Samoa Joe v "Dr. of Thuganomics" John Cena
Winner: Samoa Joe via Coquina Clutch Chokeout. Triple H joins JBL and Joey Styles on commentary. H puts over Joe's unique skillset--striking, power moves, submissions and speaks of his past tussles with Cena. Cena is able to get Joe up for the FU, but it is countered into the Coquina Clutch. And that's a damn wrap on Cena. After the match, there is a staredown between Joe and H, when the lights go out. Undertaker appears on the ramp as we go to the finishing montage of replays.

Tune in next week for The Embassy v Punk/Nigel/RVD, the MCMG-Briscoe challenge, and a hard-hitting Main Event of Tomko/Matt Hardy v Umaga/Burchall!

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