
The Burning...

From the ashes of the 1990's boom period for the sport of kings and carnies a-like, rises a phoenix known as RPW--join the renaissance!

For those of you who were following my fantasy booking exploits through http://www.televisionchamp.blogspot.com/, I have some explaining to do. I have decided to build my own federation from the ground up. I really didn't want the restraints of having to use a pre-existing roster and feuds. In all honesty, I just didn't feel I could carry that through an entire year. So, Rising Phoenix Wrestling was born.

I have chosen a roster of established stars from WWE, some up-and-comers from ROH, and a few of my personal favorites from TNA to create some fresh feuds and match-ups. I hope you enjoy my creation, and my apologies to the 5 of you that were waiting with baited breath from my next installment of "From Parts Unknown..." I sincerely feel that this will be much better, because I was able to build it from my own blueprint.

With that I bid you farewell for now. Stay tuned for the RPW preview special with the unveiling of the roster.

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